This is just a bunch of experiments.
We start with calculating. See About Method Plugin.
100 Alpha 200 Beta SUM 500 Gamma AVERAGE 1.5 Arbitrary Scale Factor PRODUCT Total Score
D3 Radar Demo
Here's the data:
15.1 Cpp 10.2 Python 3.3 Java 1.4 Ruby
Here's the graph: D3 Radar Chart Demo1
Attempt at reading in the data from a file. Polyester-Fabric-Tier2.csv
And here are some references that should probably go on their own page. See About Reference Plugin. (Oops, not written yet. Maybe today.)
The idea is to list one hundred curious things about programming. These can be taken on faith. In some languages they are true. In other languages, no. Developing a sense of what might and might not be true is the part of programming that is rarely taught, probably because the inconsistency is an embarrassment.
As we feel our way into the Wants and Needs of a federation, we have discovered a handful of workarounds for missing features. These are dangerous moves and may stop working or do damage someday. However, they do allow us to survive making content in a futuristic world.
And here are some references that should probably go on their own page. See About Reference Plugin. (Oops, not written yet. Maybe today.)
We imagine federated wiki as a medium for authoring, distributing and consuming reports.