Meta Manifesto for Synergistic Software Companies

Is there a new emerging bigger umbrella of values, principles, and practices for web software businesses? Of course it includes Agile, but also adds in values/principles/practices related to synergistically collaborating with partner companies, open source, open data open standards, public APIs, has best practices for continuous deployment and delivery, solves the feedback gap/gulf of mixed tool stacks and helps companies roll out changes safely and better diagnose deployed bugs, and includes principles of Lean Startup for product/customer development, and ...

A very successful entrepreneuer asked me if there is such a thing. I helped his company adopt Agile in ~2006. He said it greatly helped his companies internally and helped him better communicate with customers and partner companies.

He now feels the need for the next level of umbrella. He wants to buy the new book that's analogous to the Pragmatic Programmer, but on the bigger picture of how to build and deploy software for modern web businesses. He wants to read it, give it to all people in his companies, and point it out to his customer companies and partner companies.

I asked which companies this entrepreneurt thought we're doing thingswell. He and he's lead dev listed: Square, Homefinder, Rackspace, Orbitz, NetFlix, PagerDuty

Any suggestions on where to find such an umbrella, or collection of umbrellas? A meta manifesto of sorts. ("The Synergistic Software Business Manifesto" ?)